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Knights of Columbus
In Service To One. In Service To All.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief and public relief works.
The history of the Order shows how the foresight of Father Michael J. McGivney, whose cause for sainthood is being investigated by the Vatican, brought about what has become the world’s foremost Catholic fraternal benefit society. The Order has helped families obtain economic security and stability through its life insurance, annuity and long-term care programs, and has contributed time and energy worldwide to service in communities. The Knights of Columbus has grown from several members in one council to more than 12,000 councils and 1.6 million members throughout the United States, Canada, the Philippines, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Panama, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Guatemala, Guamand and Saipan.
North Branch Knights of Columbus Council 10016 was chartered on February 26, 1989.
There are approximately 50 members in the council. Most belong to St. Gregory The Great but there are some from neighboring parishes who do not presently have a council or is inactive. There are four levels of degrees a Knight may attain. The 1st and 2nd degrees allow you membership and attendance at meetings and activity participation. The 3rd degree allows you to hold officer and directorship positions.
The officer positions in the council are Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Warden, Chancellor, Advocate, Inside and Outside Guard, and Recorder. Any 3rd degree member is eligible to join the 4th degree. The 4th Degree is the patriotic arm of the Knights of Columbus. The unique ensemble worn by the Honor Guard-Blazer, Beret and swords make them a very visible sign at pro-life activities, parades, church functions, and especially funeral honor guards for deceased 4th degree members. 8 members from our council are 4th degree and are members of Father Solanus Casey Assembly which covers east central Minnesota. Knights of Columbus basic principles are: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
Current and Past Programs and Activities
- Steak Fry
- Youth Overnight Party
- Youth Night of the Rosary
- Turkey Bingo
- Youth Basketball Free Throw Championship
- Acolyte Breakfast
- Lenten Fish Fry
- Valentines Dinner
- Pancake Breakfast
- Ham Bingo
- Tootsie Roll Drive for Developmental Disabilities
- Concession Stand for Special Olympics Trials
- Mille Lacs Fishing Trip
- Faith Formation Candidates Reception
- Evening at the Chanhassen
- Meditation Garden & Gazebo at St. Joseph’s Cemetery
- Assisting with Pastor’s Moves
- Painting and Re-roofing of St. Gregory’s Church
- Sponsor of Boy Scout Troop
Current and Past Donation Recipients
- Jim Campbell Fund (Priest Education)
- Pennies for Seminarians
- State Student Loan Fund
- College Scholarship for North Branch Graduate
- St. Gregory’s CFC Program
- North Branch Food Pantry
- St. Gregory’s Electronic Keyboard
- North Branch High School Choir Fund
- Youth Summer Stretch Program
- Options for Women, Chisago County
Become a Member
Projects such as the meditation garden at St. Joseph’s cemetery is what the Knights of Columbus is all about. Parish involvement, community involvement. Brother knights working and praying together doing our Lord’s work. Any confirmed, practicing Catholic male, 18 years of age or older, is eligible to join the Knights of Columbus. Becoming a member allows you access to a host of insurance products from the Knights of Columbus based in New Haven, Connecticut.
Going through the degree exemplification process help men reflect on their faith-life and values. Quarterly meetings, which are generally dinner meetings, are held on the third Thursday of every other month at 6:30 p.m.
Contact any of the following men to discuss membership in the Knights of Columbus
Grand Knight – Charles Cole – 651-462-1647
Deputy Grand Knight – Greg Haas – 763-222-5021
Membership Director – OPEN
Community Director – Greg Haas – 763-222-5021
Family Director – Tom Sundly – 651-674-0821
Financial Secretary – Randall Geier – 612-490-5137
Insurance Field Agent – Justin Vetsch – 763-772-4413
Or any other member of the Knights of Columbus.